Japanese Women's Pictures & Profiles


Client #: 62528107

About Me  
Born 1967
Nationality Japanese
Resident Country Japan
When did you start living there? 48 years
Height 160cm
Weight 46kg
Hair Color Brown
Eye Color Dark Brown
Marital Status Divorced
Occupation Sado (Japanese tea ceremony) Kado (Japanese flower arrangement) Shodo (Japanese calligraphy) Open school at home
What year did you start the job? 16 years
Education St. Paul University Department of literature
Language Japanese, a little English and Korean
Hobbies & Interests Reading books (history, true story, mistery etc.), listening to music, making cook, traveling, meeting friends
Do you want children someday? Undecided
Do you already have children? Yes
Do you smoke? No
How would you describe your personality? My character is friendly, serious, honest. I always try my best. I love to laugh and peace.
What is most important to you? Family, friends, relationship, love and respect
What countries have you been to? USA, Canada, France, Italy, Korea, China, Indonesia, Turkey, Vietnam, Hong Kong, Philippines, Thailand
For the future spouse  
Is there anything about you which your future spouse would want to know before becoming involved with you? I was divorce 15 years ago. After, I growed up 4 sons. 4 sons already adult, divorce time, I thought I never fall in love…But recently 4 sons said “ Hey mom. Please try find best partner! We want make happiness life to mom! Now, I want to find really true love.
What are your hopes and plans for the future? I want to find my true love. I hope find each other support throughout good times and bad times enjoy lives together. I think after all sons adult, living abroad also good
What message would you like to send to your future spouse? I want to build a strong relationship with partner based on love and respect each other. Please try together make happiness and peace life. Then we can make find true love and best partner.
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