Japanese Women's Pictures & Profiles


Client #: 62525087

About Me  
Born 1976
Nationality Japanese
Resident Country Japan
When did you start living there? 1983
Height 171.5 cm
Weight 58kg
Hair Color Black
Eye Color Black
Marital Status Single
Occupation Tour conductor
What year did you start the job? 5 years
Education University graduate (California State University, Fresno)
Language Japanese, English
Hobbies & Interests These days, I don’t have much chance of exercising, but basically, I like doing sports. I’m good at basketball since I used to play at a club. Same as snowboarding and I’m doing it more than 10 years. I used to go to a gym, too. I’ve tried tennis, surfing, mountain climbing and bicycle motocross and I like them. Recently, I’m hooked on knitting. On day offs, if I can access internet, I do web browsing. Basically, I like using PC.
Do you want children someday? Yes
Do you already have children? No
Do you smoke? No
How would you describe your personality? Basically, I’m shy. After getting know each other, I’m talkative. I think I have certain sense of humor. When I’m with my friend, I can talk actively even if it was unknown place. But if I’m alone, I need some time. But I often do things ( start something new ) by myself. I’m curious. For example, I had been wanting to do surfing, but there was no one doing it. Then, I started by myself. I dislike against to other people and I try to find the way to solve the problem without friction. People say I’m kind often. I hate to lose and while I’m doing sports, I get too much serious sometimes.
What is most important to you? Consideration for others. I think respect for everyone is important.
What countries have you been to? USA(overseas study), Korea, China, Thailand, Vietnam, Cambodia, Malaysia, Germany, France and Switzerland …
For the future spouse  
Is there anything about you which your future spouse would want to know before becoming involved with you? Don’t forget respecting others, overcome things together if we have difficulties, support each other, then, I’d like to establish trust worthy relationship. I’d like to maintain relationship which like when we meet first time.
What are your hopes and plans for the future? I’d like to raise a family with a lot of smile. I’d like to try new things and enjoy those things a lot together.
What message would you like to send to your future spouse? I’m looking forward the day we can meet.
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